
Showing posts from February, 2018

Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) | Hair Loss Treatment | Selangor & KL | 血清增发治疗

Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) | Hair Loss Treatment | Selangor & KL | 血清增发治疗   What causes hair loss in women?  Hair thinning in women which affects nearly 40 million American women is mainly due to heredity and can start any time after puberty. However, we also know that female pattern hair loss can be strongly influenced by age, nutrition, stress, surgery, medications, illness, social/lifestyle factors, hair care and more. As hair follicles weaken and stop producing hair, hair loss occurs.  What causes hair loss in men?  In men we know that hair loss follows a very specific, progressive pattern that is passed on through heredity and is triggered by hormone–specifically dihydrotestosterone or DHT. An estimated 60 million American men are suffering with male pattern hair loss. As hair follicles miniaturize and weaken, coverage of the scalp diminishes leaving thinning or balding areas. Are there any potential side effects to Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) | Hair Loss T

Platelet Rich Plasma ( PRP ) Therapy | Selangor & KL | Malaysia |自体细胞回春术 : Myth or Reality?

Plasma Rich Platelet (PRP) | Hair Loss Treatment | Selangor & KL | 血清增发治疗   also termed autologous platelet gel, plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF), platelet concentrate (PC), is essentially an increased concentration of autologous platelets suspended in a small amount of plasma after centrifugation. Basically, patient’s blood is collected and centrifuged at varying speeds until it separates into 3 layers: platelet poor plasma (PPP), PRP, and red blood cells. Usually 2 spins are used. The first spin (“Hard spin”) separates the platelet poor plasma (PPP) from the red fraction and platelet rich plasma (PRP). The second spin (“Soft spin”) separates the red fraction from the PRP. The material with the highest specific gravity (PRP) will be deposited at the bottom of the tube. Immediately prior to application, a platelet activator/agonist (topical bovine thrombin and 10% calcium chloride) is added to activate the clotting cascade, producing a platelet gel. The whole process take

How PRP Injection Solves Facial Acne Scar In Selangor & KL | Malaysia || PRP Malaysia 自体细胞回春术

PRP therapy Malaysia  There are multiple causes of acne including hormone dysfunction, allergies, environmental factors and nutrition deficiencies. Acne scars result after skin follicles become blocked by excessive oils and the physiology of keratin and old skin cells trigger an inflammatory response reaction. Scars are areas of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) that replace normal skin after injury. A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. With the exception of very minor lesions, every wound (e.g. after accident, disease, surgery) results in some degree of scarring. Scar tissue is the same protein (collagen) as the tissue that it replaces, but the fiber composition of the protein is different. Instead of a nice “basket weave” formation of fibers, the collagen in scar tissue is aligned in a single direction resulting in a pronounced and thicker appearance. Acne treatments for most are long term and can result in scarring. TThe