How PRP Injection Solves Facial Acne Scar In Selangor & KL | Malaysia || PRP Malaysia 自体细胞回春术

PRP therapy Malaysia 

There are multiple causes of acne including hormone dysfunction, allergies, environmental factors and nutrition deficiencies. Acne scars result after skin follicles become blocked by excessive oils and the physiology of keratin and old skin cells trigger an inflammatory response reaction. Scars are areas of fibrous tissue (fibrosis) that replace normal skin after injury. A scar results from the biological process of wound repair in the skin and other tissues of the body. With the exception of very minor lesions, every wound (e.g. after accident, disease, surgery) results in some degree of scarring. Scar tissue is the same protein (collagen) as the tissue that it replaces, but the fiber composition of the protein is different. Instead of a nice “basket weave” formation of fibers, the collagen in scar tissue is aligned in a single direction resulting in a pronounced and thicker appearance. Acne treatments for most are long term and can result in scarring. TThe skin will attempt to heal and the scar tissue results as the collagen becomes deformed and thickens.

Acne Scars: Over 89.2% of adolescents have acne and 1% of the population have acne scars.  Acne scars can persist into adulthood.

Types of Acne Scars.  The resulting acne scars may be atrophic or hypertrophic (Fabbrocini et al., 2010).  Approximately 80% of scars are atrophic associated with a net loss of collagen during the matrix remodeling process.  A minority of scars are hypertrophic or have keloid formation.  

Why Acne Scars?  Acne scars are most often the product of an inflamed lesion, such as a papule, pustule, or cyst. Inflamed blemishes occur when the follicle, or pore, becomes engorged with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria.

Atrophic scars are classified as:
Ice pick (70%) – These are the narrow < 2mm punctiform depressions with a “V” cross-section.  
Boxcar (20%) – These are round or oval scars with well-established vertical edges with a wide base and a “U” cross-section.
Rolling scars (10%) – These wide > 4 mm scars have an “M” cross-section and give an undulating appearance to the skin.

Acne Scar Treatments There are many treatments for acne scars, each with characteristic side effects. For most treatments, the principle treatment side effect is postinflamatory hyperpigmentation (Fabbrocini et al., 2010) which is most pronounced in darker skin types (Shah and Alexis, 2010). Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation may result from dermabrasion, chemical peels and laser resurfacing.

Microneedling / Dermapen Skin Leaf Facial treatment can provide drastic results improving the appearances of the scars. The micro needles of the Dermapen create new collagen and elastin to be generated and deposited called collagenesis, however the added benefit of new capillary growth is also a result which can improve blood supply to the area which helps create healthier existing skin as well as provide a healthy foundation for the new skin. The physical nature of “skin-needling” breaks up this fibrous and uneven scar tissue and stimulates the growth of new tissue. Currently there are ablative and non-ablative treatments offered which can damage the epidermis and evaporate the skin leading to thinner epidermis problems. The Dermapen® keeps the epidermis integrity full intact while treating the area which quickens healing time and causes less pain.
How many treatments?

Your medical professional should consult on medical treatment. While each patient is different and conditions will vary, the typical treatment regimen will consist of 5-6 treatments.

How the blood plasm being withdrawn?
Blood plasma is separated from the blood by spinning a tube of fresh blood containing an anticoagulant in a centrifuge until the blood cells fall to the bottom of the tube. Plasmapheresis is a medical therapy that involves blood plasma extraction, treatment, and reintegration

Microneedling / Dermapen Treatment of Acne Scars.

The Dermapen is a convenient and effective way of performing needle dermabrasion. The Dermapen adjustable needles penetrate a controlled depth into the dermis. The dermis develops multiple microbruises, which start a cascade of growth factor release and collagen production. Punch biopsy histology demonstrates thickening of the skin with dramatic increases in new collagen and elastin fibers (Fabbrocini et al., 2010). As collagen is deposited, the skin texture improves. Results are initially seen in six weeks and full effect will take three months to develop.

PRP Treatment Malaysia for acne scar is available at Here

PRP Treatment Malaysia for hair loss is available at Here


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